I'd suggest looking at Bridges Academy in the documentary 2e: Twice Exceptional. I'd be happy to chat about this as a former Galileo Employee who also has a former student at Riverbend campus and a current student at the Skyway campus. You can find me at mebranna@gmail.com. Best of luck with your research! - Megan Brannan-Pierce (M.Ed: Gifted & Talented)

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Thank you for the tips!

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I couldn’t tell you a model HS that is working . I can say why we left a HS that wasn’t working to homeschool. What I wish we could find in a HS school. I would love to see a HS hybrid model 2 maybe 3 days with flex area for college or trade school options. The pressure of testing is over the top and needs to be removed to a certain degree. My daughter was pushed away from higher learning based off test scores yet we found a different path she has As in two college classes. We have enjoyed apprenticeship in seeing possible career paths with flexible homeschool schedules. Some certifications were offered at local HS but the experience of connecting in local community to work the learned skill was not. I don’t agree with later HS start time coming . This makes other opportunities available less time to do. The bullying issue how it’s handled isn’t elective at public schools a major issue. So I could see a private hybrid high school working.

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Thank you for the input, Amanda.

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