Countdown to book launch: 3-2-1
Free first chapter! Plus, an opportunity to be a beta reader, full cover reveal, and more!
This is @edpsychprof's newsletter for those interested in transforming schools to become places where children (and adults) can thrive.
The book launch is October 26! I promised you all a first sneak peek at the book, as well as any special offers. Today, I’m sharing parts of the book preface as well as chance to be a beta reader of the books. Let’s dive in!
First, here’s a draft of the cover—you are the first to see the back cover! There’s one more edit I want to make but this is pretty much the final version. I’m grateful for Jen Fulwiler’s endorsement. I’ve enjoyed her books on writing and motherhood, and her enthusiastic review made my heart light up. I’m also super grateful for Dr. Hodges’ testimonial because if it’s something a working mom can read and find of value, then I’ve achieved my goal of making this book accessible and useful..
Now for the book’s preface:
Now for the beta reader opportunity. We are seeking 15 people to be beta readers of the book and leave an unbiased review on Amazon before October 26. If you are interested, the publisher is lowering the price to 99 cents for the eBook for all beta readers (Amazon requires a book purchase to leave a verified review). If you are interested, reply back to this email, and the first 15 to respond will get a link to access the book on October 12.
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